Our Outdoor Education Program is based on the Round Square learning IDEAL of ‘Adventure’ with students developing skills and building connections with others and the environment over time.
- Our Bushlings and Bush Kinder Program is part of the fabric of the CEEd curriculum, using the spacious natural environment of the Bush Kinder area on the Grammar campus to source their own learning, experiencing measured risk-taking, connecting with the environment and often getting dirty!
- Our Prep students undertake Outdoor Learning in the Bush Kinder area once a week to aid with the transition from Kindergarten to “Big School”
- Junior School Camps Program: Starting at Year 2, Junior School students experience a series of developmental camps in a variety of coastal, bush and regional environments
- Developmental Outdoor Education Program: Students in Years 7 to 9 experience a series of four outdoor education experiences and Year 10 students have the opportunity to undertake a very challenging alpine journeying and camping experience
- Optional Outdoor Education opportunities: Students in Years 10 and 11 can participate in a wide range of outdoor education activities with specific camps for cross-country skiing, skiing, sailing, horse riding, scuba diving, rock climbing, surfing and canoeing
- Leadership opportunities: Year 11 students have the opportunity to become Outdoor Education leaders